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The Hooded Bard
6 posters

    The Bard's poetry

    The Hooded Bard
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    The Bard's poetry Empty The Bard's poetry

    Post by The Hooded Bard Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:43 am

    Given that I've never, ever started a topic before...Don't be surprised if I goof up.

    Regardless, I'm making this place to post in tidbits of poetry I come up with as the days go by.


    It's what we strive on.
    It's what we abstain from.
    It's what we build upon.
    It's what shakes us down.
    It's what creates us.
    It's what destroys us.
    A plethora of assumptions built over the span of years.
    Each and every one is right.
    Each and every one is wrong.

    I am not your enemy.
    I am not your friend.
    I am no one.
    Sitting on a ledge carved from brimstone.
    Staring out unto the edge of umbra.

    The stars are shining late at night.
    No thanks to Luna from Tia's fright
    But still they shine to the world below
    Bringing light to Equestria's many a meadow

    It's here I scribble, a piece of parchment
    Out in the field of blooming hay
    It's here I dabble, a fellow attachment
    Beneath the moon here I lay

    A time of wondrous adevancment
    An implacable time of peace
    A place where one can experience enhancement
    It never seems to cease

    But what of the other races
    The others with plain faces
    Ones who tribe and tribulate
    Whose titles people often defecate

    It's there that no such stars shine
    A place of smog coming from a coal mine
    A place of advancement to be sure
    But to which all the fallacies there is no cure

    Diamond dogs, gryphons, dragons galore
    All the mythical creatures depicted from lore
    They too live the lives that we live
    But at what cost is their life of sieve

    These questions no one dare ask but I
    For fear of our amalgam going awry
    Yet my question still remains in bold
    One such question no one fortold


    Here we are again
    In this thread of ponies
    A thing scoffed by "men"
    These texts of bronies

    But yet as we go on corruption consumes
    Again where our insane posting rate ensues
    The chaos that follow is not an ordered being
    It is a complex fray from which many are fleeing

    Here we are again
    With our backs against our chairs
    The insanity out of the pen
    We, typing from our lairs

    A wiser pony once predicted this
    A current owner of a pony server
    No one seemed to see things amiss
    Until they had to track it with a fervor

    Here we are again
    A place of ponies now insane
    We watch as it fall to fen
    Tears in our eyes from the inane

    It's the bane of this topic's existence
    For everything will eventually lose form
    Despite our observing persistence
    It will all come down before mourn

    Here we are again.
    Further attempts at poetry will be posted as they are created, below.

    Last edited by Fluttershy on Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:27 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Clarification.)
    Silly Filly
    Silly Filly

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    Location : The Dread Halls of R'lyeh.

    The Bard's poetry Empty Re: The Bard's poetry

    Post by Cthulhu-Pony Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:51 am

    Good job. Hoping some more pops up too.
    The Hooded Bard
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    The Bard's poetry Empty Re: The Bard's poetry

    Post by The Hooded Bard Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:34 am

    In this forum anew
    I look to the future
    Where everyone is few
    This quaint abbreviature
    For all are busy in this conglomerate
    Many too happy to persistently irate.

    Day to day we'll be posting galore
    On our favorite topic of ponies before
    The seasons change as time goes on
    Bringing new ponies into our echelon

    Here we have a safe haven to fandom
    No other shall be just as unique
    As time goes on it will add it's tandem
    With many seeking Rarity's boutique.

    The future in my eyes is bright as the Sun
    This site will be know to all as fun
    But we have many a trial to get there
    So let us all give our fair share

    Last edited by Antonio Forlymari on Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:18 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Minor editing.)
    The Hooded Bard
    The Hooded Bard
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    The Bard's poetry Empty Re: The Bard's poetry

    Post by The Hooded Bard Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:54 am

    Rarity's Lament

    Woe is Rarity, blessed be her heart.
    For she has encountered problems with art
    It is something far different from her usual dress
    A sprited animation is the source of her duress

    For she toiled away at these silly little faces
    Only to have them foil worse than her braces
    They froze up for everyone to see her teary
    For she feared they would picture them dreary

    But alas they will learn, one hour soon
    That Rarity is not some old buffoon
    These gifs of affection will work by today
    Else everyone will have to watch with dismay

    And how would they portray their emotion
    Without some "smilie" to foretell their expression
    Rarity would never give in to one such notion
    That she could not fix this without tension

    One hour soon and they will all see
    Rarity's brilliance many will squee

    Last edited by Antonio Forlymari on Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:00 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Minor grammatical errors.)

    Posts : 234
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    The Bard's poetry Empty Re: The Bard's poetry

    Post by Rarity Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:45 am

    I'm going to check this thread every day and read your poetry. From that I'm going to try and deduce the meanings behind it. I hope to better understand you that way ^-^ ♥
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    The Bard's poetry Empty Re: The Bard's poetry

    Post by Spitfire Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:19 am

    Excellent as always Antonio! Can't wait for more!
    The Hooded Bard
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    The Bard's poetry Empty Re: The Bard's poetry

    Post by The Hooded Bard Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:41 pm

    There will be a time hopefully soon
    Where this section swells from rock to moon
    I will be there still, with my quaint writings
    But no longer will I outshine others plightings

    All I ever and will ever want is to make people smile
    That in itself is the key to my deepest inner file
    But never would I want to outdo another
    For you are all equal in my eyes from the nether

    I am no soothsayer but yet I see
    A time and place for even me
    At that time in the future I will step down
    Watching from the side smiling without frown

    And so I sit waiting for the tide
    I have all the time for myself to bide
    Here more poems will be found as time goes on
    Typing away while many a fellow munch on my lawn
    Our Empress Fluttershy

    Be wary travelers of the net
    Fluttershy reigns but do not fret
    For she is a fair queen of moe
    And she will vanquish any foe

    But still be wary
    Of our quaint fairy
    Deep behind the facade of peace
    Lies an inner beast that does not cease

    The stare as as some say is but the tip
    And iceberg of rage and power await should you slip
    But it is best not to worry, not to tarry
    For the Empress is fair, even in this quarry

    A humble observer will note
    A love that has not been wrote
    Between the beautiful Rarity in her boutique
    And the smooth Spitfire whom is not for the weak

    Pairing untold by many and all
    Is it something we should still stall?
    For Rarity already has a love
    In Applejack she has found a sweet dove

    But perhaps something more devious is at hoof
    Despite the facade of being aloof
    And maybe it would get more complicated, the three
    However it might very well get consternated, by me

    We shall see where these two will take us
    With their hidden code causing a great fuss
    By the end of the day it may be nothing more
    Than a simple fantasy repeated in yore

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    The Bard's poetry Empty Re: The Bard's poetry

    Post by Fluttershy Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:05 am

    Wonderful! Fluttershy is pleased~
    Silly Filly
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    The Bard's poetry Empty Re: The Bard's poetry

    Post by Cthulhu-Pony Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:44 am

    GE's own Bard. I approve of these creations.
    The Hooded Bard
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    The Bard's poetry Empty Re: The Bard's poetry

    Post by The Hooded Bard Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:11 am

    The Hooded Bard

    Traveling across the fields of Equestria
    The Hooded Bard marches on in silence
    Hoof to hoof, left and right unlike Tia
    ..Unlike any pony, in stark defiance

    All except one from whom he was given life
    A green coat, a sharp horn, and a fair heart
    But a mind unfortunately not at peace with strife
    It started with her idle but with that start
    She continued her endeavors, with magic at her side
    So that her next generation would be a point of pride

    And so the Hooded Bard was born from her, name unknown
    A purposeful defect, giving him hands, not to be shown
    That is the difference he takes in stride
    Despite everyone to whom he has lied

    Not so long ago was he amidst the Manehattan crowds
    With friends, blind to his trait, among him
    It had been months since he settled in these shrouds
    Yet that day Lady Luck ran out on a whim
    In the middle of that dense crowd his overcoat flew off
    The subway vents revealing all for everyone to scoff

    The harsh memories that followed still recent in his mind
    He packed away those reflections for another time
    Continuing his march to Ponyville, checking behind
    Canterlot overshadowing his procession with its steep climb

    Flushed with memories just as gray as the mountain
    Canterlot served as haven from the fray before
    Afraid of the comforts he could never obtain
    He busied himself with the books of lore
    Even then there was no peace in the vast libraries
    Too soon had he been caught in the open whilst reading fairies

    He stumbled from the onrush of stark emotions
    Grasping a tree to steady himself from any notion
    But therein lies his most recent mistake
    For more ponies had come from the nearby lake

    Abject shock and dismay from his error
    Was all that he could fathom in this terror
    So he turned hoof and fled as fast as a gallop
    Leaving the ponies dead still, never to catchup

    This is the story of the Hooded Bard
    Always living on life's wild card
    Lyra's pride and the Bard's worst bane
    Searching for peace he can never attain

    This OC is free to use by anyone and everyone. Given that his color scheme, cutie mark, and species is not specified, they're open for interpretation.

    Last edited by Antonio Forlymari on Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:40 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Clarification.)

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    The Bard's poetry Empty Re: The Bard's poetry

    Post by Rarity Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:48 am

    Antonio Forlymari wrote:The Hooded Bard

    This is the one I'm enjoying the most so far. The character described in the poem is just so mysterious. His troubled past gets me and I'm attracted to him a lot ^-^ ♥
    Lys Ecarlate
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    The Bard's poetry Empty Re: The Bard's poetry

    Post by Lys Ecarlate Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:49 pm

    Mmh yes, "The Hooded Bard" is certainly more in my tastes than the others too. Good tragedy should never be a mourn, Richard III is the perfect example of a successful one. Flamboyance is the key.
    The Hooded Bard
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    The Bard's poetry Empty Re: The Bard's poetry

    Post by The Hooded Bard Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:18 am

    Writer's Block

    Writer's block is our common bane
    For we attempt to drive down perfect lane
    It is not the way one should follow
    for you'll only sit there to wallow

    Even now as I write this I do not stop
    In order counter the inevitable flop
    A bane that is as constant as the wind
    So we must press on lest we be pinned

    This is a cry for lack of inspiration
    A way to let you know of my consternation
    As refreshing as it is to write this poem
    My words of warning are quite solemn

    To attempt absolute perfection on first try
    Leads to stagnation which would put you in a tie
    Note: I literally wrote this within five minutes, so of course there's mistakes.

    The Hooded Bard
    The Hooded Bard
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    The Bard's poetry Empty Re: The Bard's poetry

    Post by The Hooded Bard Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:20 am


    Last edited by The Hooded Bard on Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:22 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Mispost)
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    The Bard's poetry Empty Re: The Bard's poetry

    Post by Spitfire Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:01 am

    The Hooded Bard wrote:-Snip-

    I was all excited to see your name as the last post in this thread.


    Click link, hoping to read the second part ...
    The Hooded Bard
    The Hooded Bard
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    The Bard's poetry Empty Re: The Bard's poetry

    Post by The Hooded Bard Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:54 pm

    The Hooded Bard Chapter 2, part I

    Far from before, in a hidden alcove
    The Bard catches his breath from the havoc he wove
    A suitable place, for an encampment in the night
    He sooner found himself under cloth before the end of light

    A whirlwind of emotions, memories, and deep fright
    The early days in Lyra's care were not an easy task
    Twelve years pass, all hidden and held in tight
    The townsfolk finally found Lyra's child changed by flask
    She did her best to keep them away, divert attention
    While her boy ran, ran from his source of pretension

    Awoken with a start to the sound of chatter
    Checking over his shoulder, a colt failing to flatter
    This young and beautiful filly of great splendour
    To which this colt attempted to match in grandeur

    Packing his things but keeping an eye
    The Bard winced at his attempts at wry
    Just as he finished packing the fine details
    He looked up to see scattered entrails

    Crimson to behold but the givers nowhere to be seen
    Not even a small parasite for the now plenty to wean
    Still as a tree in dead wind, the Bard searched with his eye
    There in the shadows dreadfully close, predators within the rye

    He had seen before, these creatures of the night
    Those memories all the more reason to give flight
    A time many years back he had faced a similar attack
    Whilst fleeing from the conformity he is forced to lack

    To the Everfree Forest's welcoming dark he dashed
    Leaving his nonexistent family and nonexistent life
    Only to find these creatures, at him they lashed
    His only defense a lute, and a broken kitchen knife
    Pulling free his lute after noticing their large ears
    He then played his laments, delivering their worst fears

    His lute in hand now, with strings surer and voice stronger
    He played his song of laments long past, worried no longer
    A melody beautiful and terrible that served only to confuse
    This way of singing, so effective, he did not often reuse

    For Lyra had given him not only his curse but her talent
    To him she taught her ability of strings and voice
    And to the creatures' sensitive ears proved an audible repellant
    To delve into assorted insanity, they had no choice
    They cried in agony, attempting to cover, weeping red tears
    Some fled while others stood dead still, all consumed by fears

    It was then as it was now the time to leave
    Their meal of the day he would sooner bereave
    A sprint from the forest, the other two ponies surely dead
    Sunrise marching away, following wherever destiny led
    Silly Filly
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    The Bard's poetry Empty Re: The Bard's poetry

    Post by Cthulhu-Pony Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:06 pm


    You just keep getting better.
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    The Bard's poetry Empty Re: The Bard's poetry

    Post by Spitfire Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:34 pm

    Very nice!

    Now I eagerly await the next installment.

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